All Posts by Gary Coggins

About the Author

Gary Coggins is the resident expert in everything about Underwater Basket Weaving at Integrates Services, Inc. In additional to his interesting in basket weaving, Gary also enjoys cat videos and and long walks on the beach.

Solving the Offshore Equation

By Gary Coggins

The decision to offshore application development initiatives remains one of the most contentious debates in IT circles, if not the most controversial. For some, the decision seems like a no-brainer, while for others it seems out of the question. For those of you who find yourselves caught in the middle, we believe some basic guidelines […]

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Technology Leadership: More Than Just Technology

By Gary Coggins

You’ve heard it before: As technology professionals, we owe our superiors due diligence, proficiency and excellence in the realm of technology and how we apply that technology in making our employers’ ambitions more efficient and profitable. As leaders, we must also strive tirelessly to bring those endeavors to fruition, in the most effective way possible: […]

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