My Final Answer

By Larry Ashbrook

Making sure you don’t see the data after you make the decision, and how a BPM platform can help.One of the most frustrating parts of any kind of decision making process is when the decision seems to have been made and then suddenly an additional relevant piece of data is added to the mix. This almost always […]

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Budgeting without Excel

By John Cavner

Many successful companies now recognize the limitations that come with an Excel-based Annual Budget process. They realize that Excel does what it was intended to do extremely well – work flexibly with different forecasting methods – but with that comes the overhead of diagnosing and correcting errors that are often hard to catch. In Excel […]

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The BI Stalemate

By Dan Hooper

No one likes a stalemate. You know, that point in a game where no one can win, all the moves are exhausted, and with a little better game plan, we might have produced a winning outcome. Lots of effort, nothing much to show for it. Business Intelligence initiatives wind up, more often than not, in a […]

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Technology Leadership: More Than Just Technology

By Gary Coggins

You’ve heard it before: As technology professionals, we owe our superiors due diligence, proficiency and excellence in the realm of technology and how we apply that technology in making our employers’ ambitions more efficient and profitable. As leaders, we must also strive tirelessly to bring those endeavors to fruition, in the most effective way possible: […]

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Do you know when to ask for help?

By Lori Brown

After doing cleanup on systems over the years, I started thinking about why some servers seem to be so poorly configured. Usually it seems that systems are poorly architected out of inexperience and sometimes out of sheer ego. I always wonder why the system architect didn’t look things up or ask for help since so […]

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